Ha nice, makes perfect sense thanks AgitatedDove14 !
Hi JitteryCoyote63
The easiest is to inherit the ResourceMonitor class and change the default logging rate (you could also disable some of the metrics).
Then pass the new class to Task.init as auto_resource_monitoring
Hi JitteryCoyote63 report_frequency_sec=30.
controller how frequently monitoring events are sent to the server, default is every 30 seconds (you can change the UI display to wall-time to review). You can change it to 180 so it will only send an event every 3 minutes (for example).
sample_frequency_per_sec is the sampling frequency it uses internally, then it will average the results over the course of the report_frequency_sec
time window, and send the averaged result on the reported event.
Make sense ?
AgitatedDove14 I see that the default sample_frequency_per_sec=2.
, but in the UI, I see that there isn’t such resolution (ie. it logs every ~120 iterations, corresponding to ~30 secs.) What is the difference with report_frequency_sec=30.