New Channel! <#C025C2J8XU5|yet-another-ml-dl-ds-discussion-board>
After @TrickySheep9 asked about discord/slack channels that are centered around ML/DL and data science, I figured that since there are so many of those - we might as well have another ch
New Channel!
After TrickySheep9 asked about discord/slack channels that are centered around ML/DL and data science, I figured that since there are so many of those - we might as well have another channel for these purposes, but with ClearML-centric answers.
For now, it just contains lists of places where I know fruitful discussions are going on. If you have any other to add, promote your own etc., please go over to ,and reply to the stickied messages ❤
Also, feel free to ask/answer professional questions there, we're already a non-negligble amount of community members - so we might as well share some knowledge and love for the profession 🙂
3 years ago
one year ago