AdventurousRabbit79 are you passing cache_executed_step=False
to the PipelineController ?
Could you send a usage example ?
my pipeline controller always updates to the latest git commit id
This will only happen if the Task the pipeline creates has no specific commit ID, and instead just uses the latest from the git repo. Is this the case ?
Clarification question: was cache_executed_step present in clearml 0.17 (which we are running)? I am trying to add it in manually and it is giving me an unexpected keyword argument error
For usage examples, it's difficult as the caching seems to be sporadic (works 90% of the time)
AdventurousRabbit79 you are correct, caching was introduced in v1.0 , also notice the default is no caching, you have to specify that you want caching per step.
Hi Jake, we aren't using any specific use-case or example but this has been occurring sporadically throughout the last month or so. Would it be possible to hop on a 15 or so minute zoom call some time to show you what has been happening?
Hi Martin, this is indeed the case. I am not passing cache_executed_step=false to the controller but I assume this is the case as it is false by default
Notice there is no need to upgrade the server, only the ClearML python package
Hi AdventurousRabbit79 , I haven't seen this behaviour before - is there a specific use-case or example you're using?