"extra_clearml_conf" : """ aws { s3 {key: "A" secret : "B" region: "C" }} """,
any idea how to fix this? https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/examples/services/aws_autoscaler/aws_autoscaler.html seems to indicate we can just directly past the info into the block string
Hi AdventurousRabbit79
In the wizard
Add the S3 section like you would in the clearml.conf:
Thanks for the quick reply! I tried your suggestion and its telling me that the aws line is an invalid control character now
when copying my clearml config into the "Edit configuration menu" and running it, I am getting a Json decode error (expected "," before the aws)
Hi AdventurousRabbit79
Try:"extra_clearml_conf" : "aws { s3 {key: A, secret : B, region: C, }} ",
Generally speaking no need for the quotes on the secret/key
You also need the comma to separate between keys.
You can test if it is working by adding the same string to your local clearml.conf and importing the cleaml package
I just sent you a dm with the scrubbed autoscaler config, would you be able to give some pointers on overarching things that are wrong?
The overall format seems to be slightly different between my local clearml conf and the accepted strings