Yes! I think thats what I will do 👌 Let me know if there is a way to contribute a mode to keep logging off. We just don’t want to pollute the server when debugging.
I feel it’s easier not to report than cleaning after but please correct me if I am overthinking it. I’ll check if I could wrap the code in something that calls the Task.delete if debugging
It will store everything locally, later you can import it back to the server, if you want.
AgitatedDove14 task.set_archived(True)
+ the cleanup service should do it 👌 If we run in debug mode the experiment goes directly to the archive and gets cleaned and we don’t pollute the main experiment page.
I’ll check if I could wrap the code in something that calls the Task.delete if debugging
Whatever you think works best for you, I was genuinely curious 🙂
To me (personally) it is helpful to have a log even while debugging (comparing to previous runs etc, trying to see what went wrong even on a console output level). When I'm done I just search for everything I worked on select all, and archive them. Then a cleanup service in the background clears all the archived Tasks once they are stale (i.e. a month have passed)
I want to be able to access the data just avoid reporting the experiment results
Yes, you are correct 😞
If you just want to skip the logging you can always add an if to the Tasl.init call ?!
AgitatedDove14 Downloading a dataset would not be possible using this right? I want to be able to access the data just avoid reporting the experiment results
We just don’t want to pollute the server when debugging.
Why not ?
you can always remove it later (with Task.delete) ?