I save it to PC and it is not only UI issue. My guess is that it plt.fig is cropped or by SummaryWriter or by trains. Help me debug where is the problem, I will meanwhile try to see what this SummaryWriter does to plt plots
Also can you right click on the image and save it on your machine, see if it is cropped, or it is just a UI issue
When I save plot in jupyter notebook it is not cropped
or by trains
We just upload the image as is ... I think this is SummaryWriter issue
Hi, I solved this cut out of labels withfig.tight_layout() return fig
Yes I think the writer.add_figure
somehow crops the image
Hi MortifiedDove27
I think you can resize the plot area in the UI (try to drag the horizontal separator)
You can see the white-gray mesh on background that shows the end of the image. It is cropped in the middle of labels
Ohh I see, is this under plots or debug images ?
Hmm, and when you zoom out, still cropped ?