I am basically saving checkpoints ( so thing like totch.save( http://foo.pt )) and the output_ur=
Hi AgitatedTurtle16 , what exactly did you use for output_uri
SuccessfulKoala55 , Yes absolutely, i have this section:
` "sdk":{
aws: {
s3: {
credentials: [
bucket: xxxx,
key: "xxx",
secret: xxxx,
host: "xxxxx",
secure: true,
} `
hostname and port, that is, in your case, so output_uri=s3://<hostname>:port/bucket/folder
Otherwise ClearML will think you wish to upload to AWS...
Did you update the required credentials in the clearml.conf
Oh, I see your issue - if you're not using the AWS S3, the output_uri
must contain your hostname