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How Is The New Gui "Setup Shell Script" Option Supposed To Be Used? I Would Like To Add An Apt Install Command To One Of My Tasks, And From Reading The Related Github Issues I Presumed I Could Just Type Those In To This New Textbox In The Tast Exectution-

How is the new GUI "SETUP SHELL SCRIPT" option supposed to be used? I would like to add an apt install command to one of my tasks, and from reading the related github issues I presumed I could just type those in to this new textbox in the tast Exectution->container tab. however, as soon as I enqueue the task the content of the "SETUP SHELL SCRIPT" textbox is being erased and none of the commands I put in it are executed. I am obviously not using this in the right way...

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 21

ThickDove42 you need the latest cleaml-agent RC for the docker setup script (next version due next week)
pip install clearml-agent==0.17.3rc0

Posted 3 years ago

which clearml and clearml-agent versions are you using?

Posted 3 years ago

This is a great feature for debugging setup. kinda feels like a superpower 🙂 I already used it to work around another issue with my docker setup. now I'll only need to update the docker file after I iron everything out and I will already have the startup shell script as documentation for what should be fixed. awesome.

Posted 3 years ago

it's for a specific task

Posted 3 years ago

try pip install clearml==0.17.6rc1

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

hi TimelyPenguin76 I tried doing this, but it didn't work. When enqueueing the task the contents of the textbox were emptied and the script was not run. I did make sure that it was saved before clicking on enqueue (by changing to another task and back and making sure the script appeared).

Posted 3 years ago

can you try it?

Posted 3 years ago

TimelyPenguin76 I've been using this for a bit now, I would like to set it from code, just like I set docker image, for example. Can you point me in the right direction? I couldn't find anything in the docs

Posted 3 years ago

CLEARML-AGENT version 0.17.2
allegroai 3.3.5

Posted 3 years ago

TimelyPenguin76 setting what appears in the GUI as "SETUP SHELL SCRIPT"

Posted 3 years ago

ThickDove42 you mean setting the docker init script?

Posted 3 years ago

Hi ThickDove42 , you are right, I can verify I also got the same (clone, edit script, enqueue and when the worker start to run the SETUP SHELL SCRIPT got empty), feels like a bug. will update you once it solved.

Is this shell script you want to run common for all your tasks or just for specific one?

Posted 3 years ago

ThickDove42 you can get the version with

clearml-agent --version

Posted 3 years ago

will try, thanks!

Posted 3 years ago

TimelyPenguin76 ok, I'll try it out, thanks.

Posted 3 years ago

You can try set_base_docker :

t = Task.init(project_name="examples", task_name="set docker parames") t.set_base_docker( docker_cmd="nvidia/cuda:11.1", docker_arguments="-e ENV=1", docker_setup_bash_script=['apt update', 'apt-get install -y gcc'] )

Posted 3 years ago

Hi ThickDove42 ,

The SETUP SHELL SCRIPT is the bash script to run at the beginning of the docker before launching the Task itself.

You can just try edit it, for example:

apt update apt-get install -y gcc

Posted 3 years ago

TimelyPenguin76 what version of clearml are you using? my task.set_base_docker only has a single positional command. am I using an old version?

Posted 3 years ago

I checked and it now seems to work. Thanks!

Posted 3 years ago

It's working as expected. Thanks!

Posted 3 years ago
21 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago