Yes, it’s the same. I realized my failure and now everything works) many thanks
Any reason not to do so in the conf file ?
Hi ResponsiveCamel97
The agent generates a new configuration file to be mounted into the docker, with all the new folders as they will be seen inside the docker itself. One of the changes is the system_site_packages as inside the docker we want the new venv to inherit everything from the docker system installed packages.
Make sense ?
I prepared my own image and want use this venv
No worries, it creates a "transparent" venv, it uses everything from the docker (the penalty of create a new venv is negligible 🙂 , you end up with the exact same set of packages)
In our case some packages are taken from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages, others from the local environment and this causes a conflict when importing the attr module
Only as "default docker + argument" , if you need the "extra_docker_arguments" (which I think a mount point is a good example for), then you have to add it in the conf file
others from the local environment and this causes a conflict when importing the attr module
Inside the docker ? " local environment" ?
This is all under "root" no?
But if I don’t want that new venv to inherit everything? I prepared my own image and want use this venv
BTW: any reason not to allow this flexibility ?
And one more questions
Could I provide an argument for docker not in clearml.conf, but in the start daemon?
for example
clearml-agent --config-file ~/clearml.conf daemon --docker agent-image-test “-v /home/trains/clearml-agent-data/3/.cache:/root/.cache” --queue test --create-queue --foreground --gpus=3
Or I can do it only in clearml.conf?