AgitatedDove14 can you please help me with this?
my script is Aborted with the above error
ElegantCoyote26parser = get_parser() args_ = vars(parser.parse_args()) task.connect(args_)
There is no need to connect args_
Task.init will automatically catch the argparser.
right, I get the same error SuccessfulKoala55
Are you seeing the argparse arguments in the UI (when running locally) ?
sure. Removing the task.connect(args_)
does not fix my situation
Can you try the latest RC, just to make sure?
ElegantCoyote26 what clearml version are you using?
great 🙂
two things:
I'm not sure argparse supports dict as a type (I mean it will take anything but I'm not sure it will parse your arguments as dict) I know there was an issue with argparsing, but I think it was solvedbtw: Basically the way clearml-agent works, it does not actually pass the arguments in commandline but directly to the argparser at runtime
What happens if you clone the Task (the one with Args showing and without the explicit task.connect(_args)
and send it to the agent ?