This solve this issue. However it does not interpolate values
GloriousPanda26 doesn’t ClearML store the hydra configuration in the task?
sorry for the delay. ClearML capture the command line arguments but they are hydra parameters (mulitrun, config_dir, config_name, config_path, etc). I append and override some hyper parameters of the model but they are all stored as a string under "overrides".
Hi GloriousPanda26 ,
You can cast the omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig
to a dict
and connect it:
` t = Task.init(project_name="Hydra", task_name="Hydra configuration")
conf = OmegaConf.create({"a": {"b": 10}, "c": 20})
t.connect_configuration(dict(conf), name="Hydra dict configuration") `
Can this do the trick?
Hi GloriousPanda26 , great, I'll check that, didn't understand if the original usage got you the configuration or not (got that with to_container you can connect_configuration )
This is unfortunate as OmegaConf behaves like dict
This seems to be working:t.connect_configuration(OmegaConf.to_container(conf, resolve=True))
Casting the configuration into a dict does not solve the problem as clearml does not capture the nested aspect of the configuration object. This is how it looks on your example: