Another solution is to back-up the various database components using their respective CLIs (using mongo
client for MongoDB, for example) and/or backup policies (each one has a different method for online backup that does not require services shut down).
It's not something we're planning in the near future 🙂
Ok, I won't have time to venture to check the different database components, the first option (shuting down the server) sounds like the easiest option for me, I would then run manually the script once a month or so
Are you planning to add a server-backup service task in the near future?
One solution is to shut-down the server and than do the backup (which won't work if you're running from a service task).
Will that work? Is it possible that while creating the zip archive, one file gets corrupted (because it was being written by trains-server (redis, ES, etc.)
That's exactly the problem 🙂
(Just to know if I should wait a bit or go with the first solution)