DilapidatedDucks58 use a full link , without the package namegit+
Hi DilapidatedDucks58
how to force-reinstall package from github in Installed Packages
You mean make sure that the agent installs it from github?
The "Installed packages" section is equivalent to "requirements.txt" anything you can put in requirements.txt, you can put there.
For example adding to "Installed Packages"git+
Will make sure you install the latest clearml from GitHub.
Notice that you cannot have two packages with the same name (just like with regular requirements.txt)
If you want specific commit id:git+
Notice that the new pip syntax:packagename @ <some_link_here>
Is actually interpreted by pip as :
Install "packagename" if it is not installed use the @ "<some_link_here>" to install it.
thanks, this one worked after we changed the package version
okay, what do I do if it IS installed?
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): celsusutils==0.0.1