cool, AgitatedDove14 so just to confirm:
To get the desired behavior, uploading artifacts on import_offline_session
The needed action is: setting the development.default_output_uri in the offline machine run (and nothing else?)
uploading artifacts
if you call task.upload_artifact(...) , there is no need to set output_uri. If you want models to be uploaded (e.g. ) only then you have to set output_uri.
Otherwise correct 🙂
is there a built in programmatic way to adjust
How about: In your Task.init(output_uri='...')
is there a built in programmatic way to adjust development.default_output_uri ?
Hi RipeGoose2
I think it "should" take of uploading the artifacts as well (they are included in the zip file created by the offline package)
Notice that the "default_output_uri" on the remote machine is meaningless as it stored them locally anyhow. It will only have an effect on the machine that actually imports the offline session.
Make sense ?
Yes RipeGoose2 you are totally correct 🙂 if you want the models to be auto uploaded in the offline session you have to pass output_uri (or default_output_uri).
Thanks AgitatedDove14 , well if a machine doesn't set the default_output_uri, the default behavior for model checkpoints for example is to just register without uploading. So in the case that the default_output_uri is not defined the offline task folder will not have the artifacts for uploading (not included in the zip file created by offline package).. or am I missing something?