I look forward to your response on Github.
Great, I would like to make this discussion a bit more open and accessible so GitHub is probably better
I'd like to start contributing to the project...
That will be awesome!
Hi SarcasticSparrow10
The plots in the UI allow you to control the colors of the graphs interactively (click on the color in the legend), it also allows you you toggle the legend on/off. This is on purpose so you can later adjust according to your taste 🙂
Is the layout okay (it was hard for me to understand form the screen-grab) ?
I'll make sure to reply the GitHub issue as well
Hi AgitatedDove14 , yes, I was able to change the color from the UI. But this may be less than ideal for the following use case.
A model is an ensemble of say 10 models. Each member of the ensemble generates two train-validation curves. So for 1 model, I will have 20 plots. There are two problems with the current setup:
Manually changing colors of all the plots is not feasible The default color scheme is not consistent and changes randomly with every run
It would be nice if I can control the default figure attributes.
As for the layout, it is not ok. There is too much space on the top and the bottom. The figures are too wide and I have to scroll quite a bit.
And finally the title, y-axes labels are also missing. I looked at the source code and when the plot is converted to a json object, I see all the attributes are still present but I don't know what happens after calling PlotEvent
I look forward to your response on Github. Also I'd like to start contributing to the project. I'll get to learn how the tool works and help improve it :)