The notebook is contained within a git repo. I have the jupyter notebook pulled up and am running the cell for creating the task and executing it remotely. In the draft task, there is a git repo and uncommitted changes(which contains all of the cells of the notebook) and installed packages.
AgitatedDove14 So I ran a cell to create the task and execute it remotely. The cell (after execution) shows up with an error that says NameError: name 'exit' is not defined
. Trains does store the task as a draft, and when I try to execute the task via trains agent, it aborts in the middle of installing all of the dependencies.
GiddyTurkey39 what do you have in the Task itself
(i.e. git repo uncommitted changes installed packages)
Are you seeing the entire jupyter notebook in the "uncommitted changes" section
GiddyTurkey39 do you have an experiment with the jupyter notebook ?
GiddyTurkey39 Okay, can I assume "Installed packages" contains the packages you need?
If so, you can setup trains-agent on a machine (see instructions on the github)
And then clone the experiment, and enqueue it into the "default" queue (or any other queue your agent is connected to)