Hey, I had a problem with https://github.com/allegroai/trains/tree/master/examples/optimization/hyper-parameter-optimization from the repo. I ran the experiment in the function base_template_keras_simple.py and anything went well, then I ran the following code:
` import logging
from trains import Task
from trains.automation import (
DiscreteParameterRange, HyperParameterOptimizer, RandomSearch,
def job_complete_callback(
job_id, # type: str
objective_value, # type: float
objective_iteration, # type: int
job_parameters, # type: dict
top_performance_job_id # type: str
print('Job completed!', job_id, objective_value, objective_iteration, job_parameters)
if job_id == top_performance_job_id:
print('WOOT WOOT we broke the record! Objective reached {}'.format(objective_value))
Connecting TRAINS
task = Task.init(project_name='noam_hyperopt_optimization',
task_name='Automatic Hyper-Parameter Optimization',
experiment template to optimize in the hyper-parameter optimization
args = {
'template_task_id': None,
'run_as_service': False,
args = task.connect(args)
Get the template task experiment that we want to optimize
if not args['template_task_id']:
args['template_task_id'] = Task.get_task(
project_name='noam_hyperopt_optimization', task_name='Keras HP optimization base').id
an_optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer(base_task_id=args['template_task_id'],hyper_parameters=[
UniformIntegerParameterRange('layer_1', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
UniformIntegerParameterRange('layer_2', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
DiscreteParameterRange('batch_size', values=[96, 128, 160]),
DiscreteParameterRange('epochs', values=[30])],
objective_metric_title='epoch_accuracy', objective_metric_series='epoch_accuracy', objective_metric_sign='max', optimizer_class=RandomSearch)
top_exp = an_optimizer.get_top_experiments(top_k=3)
print([t.id for t in top_exp])
print('Done') `
Which is almost the same as the code in the example, somehow all the task which are created by the optimizer are marked as 'pending' and time is going out without any task being running (as can be shown on the image). Do someone know what can ne the reason for that kind of problem?