CooperativeFox72 we are aware of Pool throwing exception that causes things to hang. Fix will be deployed in 0.16 (due to be released tomorrow).
Do you have a code to reproduce it, so I can verify the fix solves the issue?
Thanks AgitatedDove14 ,
I need to check with my boss that it is OK to share more code, will let you know..
But I will give 0.16 a try when it will release.
CooperativeFox72 you can you start by checking the latest RC :)pip install trains==0.15.2rc0
AgitatedDove14 Thanks, I am trying it..
The hang is still happening in trains==0.15.2rc0
😞 CooperativeFox72 please see if you can send a code snippet to reproduce the issue. I'd be happy to solve the it ...
I am trying to reproduce it with little example
I reproduced the stuck with this code..
But for now only with my env , when I tried to create new env only with the packages that this code needed it wont stuck.
So maybe the problem is conflict between packages?
Thanks CooperativeFox72 ! I'll test and keep you posted 🙂
Hi CooperativeFox72 trains 0.16 is out, did it solve this issue? (btw: you can upgrade trains to 0.16 without upgrading the trains-server)
Hey... Thanks for checking with me.
I didn't have time yet but will check it and let you know..
hey, I test it, it looks it works, still it takes much time (mainly in the second run of the code, it part of my eval process)
I don't have time to debug it yet.. will update more when I will have more time..
Thanks 🙏
AgitatedDove14 Hi, sorry for the long delay.
I tried to use 0.16 instead of 0.13.1.
I didn't have time to debug it (I am overwhelming with work right now).
But it doesn't work the same as 0.13.1. I am still getting some hanging in my eval process.
I am don't know if it just slower or really stuck since I killed it and move back to 0.13.1 until my busy time will pass.
CooperativeFox72 this is indeed sad news 😞
When you have the time, please see if you can send a code snippet to reproduce the issue. I'd like to have it fixed
Sure, love to do it when I have more time 🙂