hmm... try to run the trains-agent from the ml
environment with "system_site_packages: true", it might do the trick. Anyhow please let me know if it worked 🙂
i know it support conda.. but i have another system wide env which is not base .. say ml
so wondering if i can comnfigure trains-agent to use that... not standard practice but just asking if it is possible
It should still create a new venv, but inherit the packages from the system-wide (or specific venv) installed packages. Meaning it will not reinstalled packages you already installed, but it will ive you the option of just replacing a specific package (or install a new one) without reinstalling the entire venv
PompousParrot44 , so you mean like a base conda env?
Configuring trains-agent to use conda is done here:
Then for every experiment trains-agent will create a new conda environment based on the requirements of that experiment.
You can tell it to inherit the base conda env (or the one it is running from, I think) by settingsystem_site_packages: true