ElegantKangaroo44 it seems to work here?!
ah I see it. DId you add right now or was I just blind? Either way thanks for pointing 😄
ElegantKangaroo44 my bad 😞 I missed the nuance in the description
There seems to be an issue in the web ui -> viewing plots in "view in experiment table" doesn't respect the "scalars to display" one sets when viewing in "view in fullscreen".
Yes the info-panel does not respect the full view selection, It's on the to do list to add this ability, but it is still no implemented...
Ah ok cool! Good to know thanks for clarifying 🙂 Wasn't clear if it was a bug or expected behaviour.
Feel free to add to the UI request list:
It doesnt work for me 😄
I'm using firefox 76.0.1 (64-bit) btw
ElegantKangaroo44 definitely a bug, will be fixed in 0.15.1 (release in a week or so)
Ah nice didn't notice that thread, will add