ok - will have a look at it sometime this afternoon
Apologies for the confusion - when I first saw the notification I thought I was still on 0.14.0 .. also under the profile tab it does not show the patch version
I dismissed it and haven't seen it since
A yellow bar that appears at the top prompting for upgrade - i will see if I can get a screenshot
Hi NutritiousBear41 ,
Are you getting the message from the task output? Something like:TRAINS new package available: UPGRADE to v0.14.1 is recommended!
If so, you should upgrade trains python package, this message doesn't related to trains server but to the SDK.
You can do it with pip install -U trains
Can this be the issue?
NutritiousBear41 - If the problem still occurs - I would like to see i this is a caching issue. Can you please try the following:
Open developer tools (F12) and go to network tab Locate the last call to version.json (this occurs every few minutes so you should see it at the bottom) Right-click and select Edit and Resend On the right side - look at the Request Headers and remove the 2 lines starting with "If-Modified-Since:" and "If-None-Match:" (probably at the bottom) Press send
Hi, no the message is on the Trains web dashboard
You know what let me see if I can reliably replicate the issue before you spend any more time on it - if I can I'll ping you back with a sequence to replicate
if i refresh the currentVersion switched to the correct one (0.14.1-318)
thanks CumbersomeCormorant74 that is what I was looking for
NutritiousBear41 - I'm currently checking what can cause this. Will get back to you shortly
NutritiousBear41 - I would like to ask you to try the following:
Refresh the web page (control+F5). Check the browser's local storage: F12 -> Application/Storage -> Local Storage - and copy the values of "currentVersion" and "dismissedVersion" (if they exist)
its kind of weird - if i close the tab and reload the localstorage gets set back to 0.14.0-305
Do you still get the new version notification?
NutritiousBear41 - can you go to localhost:8080/version.json (or change to the relevant address of your web app) and see what it outputs?
the server is running on both port 8080 and port 80... (8080 redirects to 80 on the nat) ... accessing on :80 caching works fine ... accessing on :8080 is what does not update the version without a refresh ... but will check your instructions above later