A small remark, before upgrading ClearML server with new docker-compose file I use ElasticSearch image directly from dockerhub , not from docker.elastic storage.
@<1533982060639686656:profile|AdorableSeaurchin58> this was just a restart? or an upgrade? If so, it's possible you have an issue with the ElasticSearch server, can you do docker ps
and share the results?
@<1533982060639686656:profile|AdorableSeaurchin58> I see no problem in those logs. I can only assume perhaps an upgrade was performed and the new docker-compose.yml file uses a different data folder as the mount point for the ES data folder?
Can you get the log for the clearml-elastic container?
First time I try restart, later try to upgrade. Behavior the same in both cases.
Hi @<1533982060639686656:profile|AdorableSeaurchin58>
Notice the scalars and console are stored on the elasticsearch DB, this is usually under/opt/clearml/data/elastic_7