Just chiming in - @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47> ’s comment is a very good practice, and works well 🙂
That's fabulous. This is definitely how my team prefers to structure projects. I hadn't gotten around to trying that out in our POC of ClearML yet, but I'm certain this is how our group will solve this problem
ok, it is solved with the force_git_root_python_path: true in clearml.conf
I don't know about this, but could you turn your whole project into a pip-installable package using a setup.py
and/or pyproject.toml
I've never tried this, but maybe then you could do pip install -e .
locally before executing the task. Then execute. And then maybe the pip freeze
that ClearML does would contain the symlink to your directory.
(so that from my_package import ...
statements would work)