Hi TimelyRabbit96
You are absolutely correct, we need to allow to override configuration
The code you want to change is here:
You can try:
channel = self._ext_grpc.aio.insecure_channel(triton_server_address, options=dict([('grpc.max_send_message_length', 512 * 1024 * 1024), ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 512 * 1024 * 1024)]))
But I think we need to add it to the environment overrides options,
Maybe CLEARML_GRPC_max_send_message_length
Yes exactly, that’d be great! I’m not sure how flexible this can be (or should be), but perhaps following a pattern like CLEARML_GRPC_CONFIG_NAME
would be possible?
We are working on 1.3.0 so this is right in time