GorgeousPuppy74 the clearml-session client is designed to run on your local machine and provide you with an SSH connection to the remote machine running the session, that's the reason it's setting up the SSH tunnel to a local port on the machine it's running on. You can of course try to play around with it, but opening it on a public IP or host is really not recommended since you're providing anyone an open connection to your remote session
this localhost i need it as ip .. like example.. aws public ip.. how can i do that..?? now this is not accessible.. i mean jupyter ..
yes.. if from clearml side.. there is no option then its fine.. i want this option .. to play with public ip
I'm not sure what you mean - what's showing localhost? Can you share some logs?
yeah.. but i am running clearml-session in aws.. its showing localhost.. how can i change to anywhere IP.
GorgeousPuppy74 currently (again, due to security reasons), clearml-session uses localhost, and that cannot be changed. I suppose you can set up another SSH tunnelling session on the machine, but I've never tried that...