Can you also tell what OS are you using? And when you mentioned that the clearml version: 1.5.1
did you mean the ClearML package or the clearml-agent
package? Because they are different
Hello guys, i have 4 workers (2 in default and 2 in service queue on same machine)
Hi ShaggySquirrel23
I think what happens is one agent is deleting it's cfg file when it is done, but at least in theory each one should have it's own cfg
One last request can you try with the agent's latest RC version 1.5.3rc2 ?
Hey ShaggySquirrel23 , what version of the clearml-agent are you using? Also, if I were you I’d check how much free disk there’s on the machine running the agents
clearml-agent version (output of clearml-agent --version).I am using aws ec2 linux image.