AgitatedDove14 Thanks for quick replay. You are correct, issue resolved after removing https.
Hi ThoughtfulOctopus83
The host should be just the host name, no https prefix, I'm assuming that's the issue
i am getting error when cloning tfs repository with error . We user https to clone and have no possibility yet with ssh. "Check if remote-worker has valid credentials [see worker configuration file]." I have added below config in /home/ubuntu-user/clearml.conf file agent {
git_user: "gitusername"
git_pass:<personal access token>
git_host: " [None]( "
AgitatedDove14 Thanks for quick replay. You are correct, issue resolved after removing https.
Hi ThoughtfulOctopus83
The host should be just the host name, no https prefix, I'm assuming that's the issue