I have a lot of parameters, about 40. It is inconvenient to overwrite them all from the window that is on the screen.
Not sure I follow, so what are you suggesting?
AgitatedDove14 I think the question is how we can override 40 pipeline parameters without using UI window, but with UI pipeline start
You can do that programatically, clone the pipeline Task (a pipeline is also a Task) and change the Args section of that Task, wdyt?
Is it possible to overrided the parameters through the configuration file when restarting the pipeline from ui?
The parameters of the Pipeline are overridden from the UI, not the pipeline components,
you can to use the pipeline parameters as is as the pipeline components parameters
Is your pipeline built from Tasks, or decorators over functions ?
Hi AgitatedDove14
I define a pipeline through functions. I have a lot of parameters, about 40. It is inconvenient to overwrite them all from the window that is on the screen.