and ctrl-f (of the browser) doesn’t work as lines below not loaded (even when you scroll it will remove the other lines not visible, so you can’t ctrl-f them)
quick video of the search not working
Thank you! this is very helpful, passing along to front-end guys 🙂
and ctrl-f (of the browser) doesn’t work as lines below not loaded (even when you scroll it will remove the other lines not visible, so you can’t ctrl-f them)
Yeah, that's because they are added lazily
Hello, is it possible to disable lazy loading ?
You mean in the UI for loading the console ?
The logs can be huge 10s and 100s of MB...
We have the same issue for hyperparameters even with only ~100 keys,
100+ parameters that is quite a lot.
So are you saying the search in the UI only filter the lazily loaded elements and not the entire param list?
We have the same issue for hyperparameters even with only ~100 keys, where the UI likes to lazy load and remove scrolled elements so it breaks browser search, and integrated search works like 15% of the time…
made a PR to help a bit loading console logs None
logs can be huge but are loaded 7kB at a time currently
100+ parameters is quite a lot indeed but very quickly achieved when using frameworks like detectron2, where you configure the model in the configuration (+dataloader, datasets, evaluators, augmentation, optimizer, lr_scheduling). anyway the search is broken as soon as one line you search is not currently visible, so already with 20+ parameters (there is no scroll, you see a number so you know it found the params but won’t scroll to it)