Alternatively I understand I can also run the agent using...
No you should not if you are running the agent inside a container it cannot work in docker mode and spin its own containers
Bottom line use clearml-agent daemon
By the way, how can I start up the clearml agent using the clearml-agent image instead of SDK? Do u have an example of the docker run command that includes the queue, gpus etc?
Thanks I just realised I didn't add --docker
Hi OddShrimp85
the venv setup is totally based on my requirements.txt instead of adding on to what the image has before. Why?
Are you using the agent in docker mode ? if this is the case it creates a venv inside the docker, inheriting from the preinstalled docker system packages,
SdK meaning I run the agent using clearml-agent daemon ....
Alternatively I understand I can also run the agent using docker run allegroai/clearml-agent:latest.
But I cannot figure out how to add --restart, --queue, -- gpus flag to the container
Are you running inside a kubernetes cluster ?
how can I start up the clearml agent using the clearml-agent image instead of SDK?
Not sure I follow, what do you mean instead of the SDK? and what is the "clearml-agent image" ?
I was browsing clearml agent gihub and saw this. Isn't this for spinning up clearml-agent in a docker and perform like a daemon?