Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Everyone! I Am Using Clearml-Serving When I Am Trying To Add New Endpoint Like This

Hi everyone!

I am using clearml-serving

When I am trying to add new endpoint like this

clearml-serving --id <> model add --engine triton --endpoint conformer_encoder --model-id <> --preprocess 'preprocess_encoder.py' --aux-config "./config.pbtxt"

With file 'config.pbtxt' like this:

name: "conformer_encoder"
platform: "onnxruntime_onnx"
default_model_filename: "model.bin"
max_batch_size: 512
input: [
            name: "length"
            data_type: TYPE_INT64
            reshape: {
                shape: []
            dims: [
            name: "audio_signal"
            data_type: TYPE_FP16
            dims: [
    output: [
            name: "encoded_lengths"
            data_type: TYPE_INT32
            reshape: {
                shape: []
            dims: [
            name: "output"
            data_type: TYPE_FP16
            dims: [

I get an error in triton container:

[libprotobuf ERROR /tmp/tritonbuild/tritonserver/build/_deps/repo-third-party-build/grpc-repo/src/grpc/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/text_format.cc:317] Error parsing text-format inference.ModelConfig: 47:9: Non-repeated field "platform" is specified multiple times.
E0905 11:16:22.089991 52 
 Poll failed for model directory 'conformer_encoder': failed to read text proto from /models/conformer_encoder/config.pbtxt

Can somebody explain me what's wrong?

Posted one year ago
Votes Newest

Answers 17

Hi AgitatedDove14

Are there any questions or updates about the issue?

Posted one year ago

Hi AgitatedDove14

My preprocess file:

from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Callable

class Preprocess(object):
    def init(self):

    def preprocess(
            body: Union[bytes, dict],
            state: dict, 
            collect_custom_statistics_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], None]]
        ) -> Any:
        return body["length"], body["audio_signal"]

    def postprocess(
            data: Any,
            state: dict, 
            collect_custom_statistics_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], None]]
        ) -> dict:
        return {
            "encoded_lengths": data["encoded_lengths"].tolist(),
            "output": data["output"].tolist()

My request code that returns error:

import numpy as np
import requests
batch = 4
length = 3
    "length": [length] * batch,
    "audio_signal": np.random.randn(batch, 80, length).astype(np.float16).tolist()
response = 
(f"<>", json=body)
Posted one year ago

SweetShells3 remove these from your pbtext:

name: "conformer_encoder"
platform: "onnxruntime_onnx"
default_model_filename: "model.bin"

Second, what do you have in your preprocess_encoder.py ?
And where are you getting the Error? (is it from the triton container? or from the Rest request?

Posted one year ago


This makes no sense to me, data is a numpy array, not a pandas frame...

Posted one year ago

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 Turns out if I delete

platform: ... 

string from config.pbtxt, it will deploy model on tritonserver (serving v 1.3.0 add "platform" string at the end of config file when clearm-model has "framework" attribute). But when I try to check endpoint with random data (but with right shape according config), I am getting

{'detail': "Error processing request: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()"}

error. Do you know how to solve it?

Posted one year ago

Hi SweetShells3 , can you make the basic example work in your setup?

Posted one year ago

AgitatedDove14 this error appears before postprocess part.

Today I redeployed existing entrypoint with --aux-config "./config.pbtxt" and get the same error


!clearml-serving --id "<>" model add --engine triton --endpoint 'conformer_joint' --model-id '<>' --preprocess 'preprocess_joint.py' --input-size '[1, 640]' '[640, 1]' --input-name 'encoder_outputs' 'decoder_outputs' --input-type float32 float32 --output-size '[129]' --output-name 'outputs' --output-type float32 --aux-config name=\"conformer_joint\" platform=\"onnxruntime_onnx\" default_model_filename=\"model.bin\" max_batch_size=16 dynamic_batching.max_queue_delay_microseconds=100


!clearml-serving --id "<>" model add --engine triton --endpoint 'conformer_joint' --model-id '<>' --preprocess 'preprocess_joint.py' --aux-config "./config.pbtxt"


default_model_filename: "model.bin"
max_batch_size: 16
dynamic_batching {
    max_queue_delay_microseconds: 100
input: [
            name: "encoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
            name: "decoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
    output: [
            name: "outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [

"before" Entrypoint worked as expected , "After" One returns the same error:
{'detail': "Error processing request: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()"}

Something wrong with config.pbtxt

P.S. I tried wihout default_model_filename line, but still get an error

Posted one year ago

"After" version in logs is the same as config above. There is no "before" version in logs((

Endpoint config from ClearML triton task:

conformer_joint {
  engine_type = "triton"
  serving_url = "conformer_joint"
  model_id = "<>"
  version = ""
  preprocess_artifact = "py_code_conformer_joint"
  auxiliary_cfg = """default_model_filename: "model.bin"
max_batch_size: 16
dynamic_batching {
    max_queue_delay_microseconds: 100
input: [
            name: "encoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
            name: "decoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
    output: [
            name: "outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
Posted one year ago

AgitatedDove14 config.pbtxt in triton container (inside /models/conformer_joint) - after merge:

default_model_filename: "model.bin"
max_batch_size: 16
dynamic_batching {
    max_queue_delay_microseconds: 100
input: [
            name: "encoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
            name: "decoder_outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [
    output: [
            name: "outputs"
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [

platform: "onnxruntime_onnx"
Posted one year ago

I am getting this error in request response:

import numpy as np
import requests
    "encoder_outputs": [np.random.randn(1, 640).tolist()],
    "decoder_outputs": [np.random.randn(640, 1).tolist()]
response = 
", json=body)

Unfortunately, I see nothing related to this problem in both inference and triton pods /deployments (we use Kubernetes to spin ClearML-serving

Posted one year ago

  • I'm happy tp hear you found a work around
  • Seems like there is something wrong with the way the pbtxt is being merged, but I need some more information

{'detail': "Error processing request: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()"}

Where are you seeing this error?
What are you seeing in the docker-compose log.

Posted one year ago

I see... In the triton pod, when you run it, it should print the combined pbtxt. Can you print both before/after ones? so that we could compare ?

Posted one year ago

AgitatedDove14 I think there is no chance to pass config.pbtxt as is.


In this line, function use self.model_endpoint.input_name (and after that input_name , input_type and input_size ), but there are no such attributes (see endpoint config above) in endpoint - they are in auxiliary_cfg string field

If I understand correctly, we can not use config.pbtxt as I used above, and we have to define inputs and outputs like in clearml-serving examples, and use config.pbtxt only for additional parameters like max_batch_size

Posted one year ago

Hi AgitatedDove14


I have an issue basen on that case. Could you tell me if I miss something in it?

Posted one year ago

Yeah I think that for some reason the merge of the pbtxt raw file is not working.
Any chance you have an end to end example we could debug? (maybe just add a pbtxt for one of the examples?)

Posted one year ago

Thanks SweetShells3 ! let me see if I can reproduce the issue

Posted one year ago

Thanks SweetShells3 for bumping it!
Let me check where it stands, I think I remember a fix...

Posted one year ago