I've also tried running a clearml-agent daemon
directly on my mac (not in docker) serving the sessions
queue for the ClearML server that is running in docker. When I do that, it consistently fails with a different error. Something to do with mounting a volume.
Hi BattyCrocodile47
This looks like a docker issue running on mac m2
BattyCrocodile47 not restarting the docker, restarting the Docker service (on Mac it's an app, I think there is an option on the Docker app to do that)
Hmm... these people are recommending restarting docker completely. I may have tried that already, but I'll do it again when I get some time to be sure.
The agent commands are nothing special.
clearml-agent daemon --queue sessions --cpu-only --create-queue true --docker
And for the session
clearml-session --queue sessions --docker python:3.9