The helm chart of definitely the recommend way and also fits k8s better 🙂
Hi HomelyRabbit25 , in the k8s agent setup, and agent will pick up a task and create a pod for it as soon as it's able to. To limit this behavior, you can set a limit on the number of pods the agent can apply. For example, if each experiment uses a single GPU and cluster A has 8 GPUs, it would make sense to limit the number of pods (using the maxPods setting) for agent A to 8...
hey SuccessfulKoala55 that seems to work, thanks! One thing that it's not yet that clear to me is, what would be the recommended way of running agents in kubernetes? As I understand there is the ClearML Agent Helm Chart, which uses the k8s glue code, and running a clearml-agent daemon inside a pod (that already has the gpus assigned to it). Which one is the preferred way? I see issues with both approaches, and personally I believe that the Helm Chart is the correct way, but I can be wrong