Hi JumpyRaven4
This is the problem, if you look closely this is a class method, meant for helping the Task.init better capture python packages, it does Not change the task requirements.
To do that, use " task.set_packages
Geez, I have been looking for this for a while, thanks for saving my day...again.
"erasing" all the packages that had been set in the base task I'm cloning from. I
Set is not add, if you are calling set_packages, you are overwriting all of them with this single call.
You can however do:
task_data = task.export_task()
requirements = task_data["script"]["requirements"]["pip"]
requirements += "new packages"
I guess we should have get_requirements
LOl my pleasure - I guess we should have a link in the doc string of add_requirements
to set_packages
, I will tell the guys
was allow_archived
removed from Task.query_tasks?
I'm assuming that task.data.script.requirements is not the right way to do this...
Yeah we should definitely have get_requirements 🙂
I think it is only in get_task
(and by default it is true)
I think query task does not filter the
This being said, now I'm running into another issue that this seems to be "erasing" all the packages that had been set in the base task I'm cloning from. I can't find a method that would return these packages so that I could add to it?