@<1687649677916246016:profile|ItchyPig15> - in addition to what @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> suggested, if you could check if this happens to you also when using a different browser - that could be helpful
Hi @<1687649677916246016:profile|ItchyPig15> . probably a bug, we'll check it out. Did the link you found using inspect work?
@<1687649677916246016:profile|ItchyPig15> - which browser are you using?
yeah i'm sure it would be a quick fix by the front-end devs - no worries - thanks again!
What's the OS (Windows/Max/Linux)? What's the chrome version ?
(Go to the profile page, and click "Disable HiDPI browser scale override" see if that helps)
I tried on both Chrome and Firefox and I get the link in the popup. Any more info that can help reproduce would be helpful