You suggested this fix earlier, but I am not sure why it didnt work then.
Can you ping me when it is updated in None so I can update my installation?
And the one with the CPU version? is it with "~=" or "="?
Thanks! Tomorrow is great, I'll put the wheel here 🙂
Sorry, env file for conda, the one you are using to install
The ordering of the channels seems to matter!
Interesting: This command failes (with an error similar to the one I posted above) in conda version 4.7.12 but runs just fine in version 4.9.2: conda create --name test-pytorch python=3.8 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c conda-forge
conda env update -p .clearml/venvs-builds/3.8 ./environment.yml
with environment.yml
name: clearml
- pytorch
- anaconda
- conda-forge
- defaults
- pytorch==1.8.0
Maybe the ~= is breaking the conda "magic" version resolver