our setup currently consists of an EC2 instance for clearml-server and one for clearml-agent. We're not using a load balancer at the moment.
@<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60> can you access the web UI over https ?
Hi @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> I tried this out, but I keep getting connection timeouts in the browser getting to the ELB. The instance is showing as inservice and passing the healthcheck. Is there any other configuration I need to do in the clearml.conf to make this work?
HI @<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60>
Are you running on AWS ?
have 2 listeners setup. LB 80 > instance 8080 and LB 443 > instance 8080
We're not using a load balancer at the moment.
The easiest way is to add ELB and have amazon add the httpS on top (basically a few clicks on their console)
So assuming they are all on the same LB IP: You should do:
LB 8080 (https) -> instance 8080
LB 8008 (https) -> instance 8008
LB 8081 (https) -> instance 8081
It might also work with:
LB 443 (https) -> instance 8080