so , it will create a task when i will run it first time
@<1523720500038078464:profile|MotionlessSeagull22> you cannot have two graphs with the same title, the left side panel presents graph titles. That means that you cannot have a title=loss series=train & title=loss series=test on two diff graphs, they will always be displayed on the same graph.
That said, when comparing experiments, all graph pairs (i.e. title+series) will be displayed as a single graph, where the diff series are the experiments.
my scheduler will be running every 60 seconds and calling main function
logger.report_scalar("loss-train", "train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar("loss=test", "test", iteration=0, value=200)
notice that the title of the graph is its uniue id, so if you send scalars to with the same "title" they will show on the same graph
like if u see in above image my project name is abcd18 and under that there are experiments Experiment1, Experiment2 etc.
each subprocess logs one experiment as task
If you one each "main" process as a single experiment, just don't call Task.init in the scheduler