Are you using tensorboard or do you want to log directly to trains ?
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> I want to log directly to trains using logger.report_scalar
logger.report_scalar("loss", "train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar("loss", "test", iteration=0, value=200)
but this gives the results in the same graph
like in the sidebar there should be a title called "loss" and under that two different plots should be there named as "train_loss" and "test_loss"
logger.report_scalar("loss-train", "train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar("loss=test", "test", iteration=0, value=200)
notice that the title of the graph is its uniue id, so if you send scalars to with the same "title" they will show on the same graph
So you want these two on two different graphs ?
Like here in the sidebar I am getting three different plots named as loss, train_loss and test_loss
so I want loss should be my main title and I want two different graphs of train and test loss under that loss
In the side bar you get the title of the graphs, then when you click on them you can see the diff series on the graphs themselves
logger.report_scalar(title="loss", series="train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar(title="loss", series="test", iteration=0, value=200)
This code gives me the graph that I displayed above
This code will give you one graph titled "loss" with two series: (1) trains (2) loss
yes But i want two graphs with title as train loss and test loss and they should be under main category "loss"
@<1523720500038078464:profile|MotionlessSeagull22> you cannot have two graphs with the same title, the left side panel presents graph titles. That means that you cannot have a title=loss series=train & title=loss series=test on two diff graphs, they will always be displayed on the same graph.
That said, when comparing experiments, all graph pairs (i.e. title+series) will be displayed as a single graph, where the diff series are the experiments.
Can my request be made as new feature so that we can tag same type of graphs under one main tag
so, like if validation loss appears then there will be three sub-tags under one main tag loss
and under that there will be three graphs with title as train test and loss
You can always click on the name of the series and remove it for display.
Why would you need three graphs?
Can my request be made as new feature so that we can tag same type of graphs under one main tag
Sure, open a Git Issue :)
okay, Thanks @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> for the help.
I have 100 experiments and I have to log them and update those experiments every 5 minutes
so what I have done is rather than reading sequentially I am reading those experiments through multiprocessing and for each experiment I am creating new task with specified project_name and task_name