So you want these two on two different graphs ?
logger.report_scalar("loss-train", "train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar("loss=test", "test", iteration=0, value=200)
notice that the title of the graph is its uniue id, so if you send scalars to with the same "title" they will show on the same graph
like in the sidebar there should be a title called "loss" and under that two different plots should be there named as "train_loss" and "test_loss"
but this gives the results in the same graph
logger.report_scalar("loss", "train", iteration=0, value=100)
logger.report_scalar("loss", "test", iteration=0, value=200)
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> I want to log directly to trains using logger.report_scalar
Are you using tensorboard or do you want to log directly to trains ?