I think we added it somewhere in 0.14, anyhow I just checked the Logger doc, it is there now 🙂
figured it was only for images, as shown in the documentation
Hi PunySquid88 I guess it's a good thing we talk, because I believe that what you are looking for is already available :)
Logger.current_logger().report_media('title', 'series', iteration=1337, local_path='/tmp/bunny.mp4')
This will actually work on any file, that said, the UI might display the wrong icon (which will be fixed in the next version).
We usually think of artifacts as data you want to reuse, so all the files uploaded there are accessible from anywhere through the Task object. Logging is more for debug purposes, and actually can store multiple copies of the same file, with diff iteration numbers.
Here's an example from the demoapp server
one thing I don't see in the list of feature requests that would be nice would be support for comparing videos 🙂 . Right now I'm able to upload video output as an artifact and view it from the website, but I would like to be able to see the videos in a grid when comparing various experiments
for reference, this is what it looks like in Weight and Biases