Hi SuccessfulKoala55 , here is an example :
On the picture of the Dataset 'DS_Master', the versions 1.0.1,1.0.2,1.0.3 and 1.0.4 are all children of the version 1.0.0. When I go on one specific version, I can see that the version 1.0.0 is the parent of the version I'm looking at. But when I go on the version 1.0.4 for example, I dont' know that the versions 1.0.1,1.0.2,1.0.3 are also children of the version 1.0.0. And I would like to see that on a graph, like the second picture.
Hi MiniatureRobin9 , I'm not sure I understand the question - if you're asking about a specific dataset with all it's version, you can see that in the WebApp in the specific dataset page. If you're talking about multiple datasets, than by definition each one is the start of its own genealogy...