OH I see. I think you should use the environment variable to override it:
so add to the docker args something like
Hi @<1688721797135994880:profile|ThoughtfulPeacock83>
the configuration vault parameters of a pipeline step with the add_function_step method?
The configuration vault are a per set at execution user/project/company .
What would be the value you need to override ? and what is the use case?
"poetry_install_extra_args". I work with a git repo that has optional package dependency groups needed for training, so I need to install the packages with "poetry install --extras training". Using poetry_install_extra_args solves the issue. However, since this is a package dependant (some dont have the training dependencies, others have other dependency group names) fix, I would rather this not be fixed in the configuration vault, but something I can set via the pipeline code.