Hi SmallTurkey79 , checking and will answer asap
perfect. thank you. I verified that this was indeed reproducible on 1.16.0 with a fresh deployment.
Hi SmallTurkey79 , apologies for the delay, a patch version 1.16.1 ware released (images pushed yesterday), please try it out and let us know if it works for you
Hi SmallTurkey79 , a patch version is on its way out, we will notify shortly
everything i just said comes from the screenshotted webpage and is regarding the CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY and CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY env vars.
when i restart clearml server, the keys started disappearing . this was not the case before upgrading
Hi SmallTurkey79 , how exactly are you passing these credentials and with which API keys?
yup. once again, rebooted and lost my credentials.
for now I'm just avoiding restarts of the service, but I do want to get to the bottom of it using a fresh instance.
as a backup plan: is there a way to have an API key set up prior to running docker compose up? Like, I need at least one set of credentials that I can reliably have remote agents use, one that I know persists across restarts and upgrades.
App Credentials now persist (I upgraded 1.15.1 -> 1.16.1 and the same keys exist!)
I did manage to figure this out with
docker compose stop agent-services
docker compose up --force-recreate --no-deps -d agent-services
and running an export
for the newly generated key.
still though, noticing restarts cause App Credentials to be lost.
when I do a docker compose down; docker compose up -d
... these disappear.
to be clear... this was not happening before I upgraded to the latest version. That is why I am asking about this.
hello SuccessfulKoala55
I appreciate your help. Thank you. Do you happen to have any updates? We had another restart and lost the creds again. So our deployment is in a brittle state on this latest upgrade, and I'm going back to 1.15.1 until I hear back.
hmm I assume the reason is the cookie / storage changed?
it's really frustrating, as I'm trying to debug server behavior (so I'm restarting often), and keep needing to re-create these.
thank you!
by any chance do you have insights into github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/248 ? dont know if its related to this at all or not, but it is an issue I experienced after upgrading .
this is not about storage access tokens . its about the App Credentials .
those things you set as CLEARML_API_KEY and SECRET so that clients can talk to the api
so, I tried this on a fresh deployment, and for some reason that stack allows me to restart without losing App Credentials.
It's just the one that I performed an update on.
thank you!
out of curiosity: how come the clearml-webserver upgrades weren't included in this release? was it just to patch the api part of the codebase?
SmallTurkey79 can you try using CLEARML_AGENT_ACCESS_KEY
with the new version (in the docker compose)?
yeah. thats how I've been generating credentials for agents as well as for my dev environment .
Hi everyone, me and my team are on 1.16 and we're experiencing the same credentials disappearing behaviour reported by SmallTurkey79 . Can confirm that the issue appeared the moment we switched to 1.16.0
SmallTurkey79 Did you find a way around it?
SuccessfulKoala55 Any updates on this?
I can confirm that simply switching back to 1.15.1
results in persistent "App Credentials" across restarts.
Literally just did :%s/1.16.0/1.15.1/g
, restarted the stack under the older version, created creds, and restarted again... and found them sitting there. So I know my volume mounts and all are good. It's something about the upgrade that caused this.
There's an issue on github that seems to be related, but the discussion under it seems to have digressed. Should I open a new issue?
SmallTurkey79 to answer your question, this was a malfunction of an automatic process in the api server designed to remove redundant credentials in order to improve security
i am definitely not seeing it persist after upgrading. previously it wasn't a problem on other upgrades
Nope still dealing with it .
Oddly enough when i spin up a new instance on the new version, it doesnt seem to happen
as a backup plan: is there a way to have an API key set up prior to running docker compose up?
Not sure I follow, the clearml API pair is persistent across upgrades, and the storage access token are unrelated (i.e. also persistent), what am I missing?
if there's a process I'm not understanding please clarify...
(a) i start up the compose stack, log in via web browser as a user . this is on a remote server .
(b) i go to settings and generate a credential
(c) i use that credential to set up my local dev env, editing my clearml.conf
(d) i repeat (b) and use that credential to start up a remote workers to serve queues .
am i misunderstanding something? if there's another way to generate credentials I'm not familiar with it .