Hi NonchalantSeaanemone34
Sorry I missed this message. Yeah the reason it's not working is because the way the returned value is stored and passed is by using 'pickle' , unfortunately python pickle does not support storing lambda functions...
pipeline decorator where lambda function call another function(say
) and during pipeline execution, error is thrown that
is not defined?
Each pipeline function becomes a standalone "script", which I assume if the lambda function is defined outside of the decorated pipeline component function, would throw an undefined error.
My suggestion would be to define the lambda function as a nested function inside the decorated pipeline function.
Hi AgitatedDove14
first of all many thanks to you for always replying promptly 🙂
Initially I thought function is defined outside that is why I was getting that error. However I am using this way and that also gives error:
def step1():
op = "I am in step-1"
return op
def step2(op):
return ( lambda op:step1(op))
While executing step2, I get error that step1 is not defined.
Hope this example is helpful.