Hi DistinctToad76
Why not just report scalars, the x-axis you can use as "iterations" if this is a running in real time to collect the prompts.
If this is a summary then just report a scatter plot (you can also specify the names of the axis and the series)
I Was Wondering If There'S A Way To Have A Time Series Chart When Comparing Experiments? The Bar Chart Isn'T Ideal For Me:
Context: Doing A Classification Task Where An Llm Decides The Output Class. Trying To Determine Which Prompt Performs The B
I was wondering if there's a way to have a time series chart when comparing experiments? The bar chart isn't ideal for me:
Context: doing a classification task where an llm decides the output class. Trying to determine which prompt performs the best. The first picture is what the clearml web ui looks like. I would like to have a chart like the 2nd picture. Currently, I'm saving my metrics each experiment using logger.report_single_value for metrics like precision, recall, etc..
7 months ago
7 months ago