Oh, I'm really sorry guys. It's my fault. I messed up two different servers. All works fine. I really appreciate your attention
Hi @<1729309120315527168:profile|ShallowLion60>
How did you create those credentials ?
Hi @<1729309120315527168:profile|ShallowLion60> , can you try with with a curl command and see what the server returns?
curl -u "<key>:<secret>" <apiserver-addr>/auth.login
And are you sure your are pointing to the correct API server and not mixing API with WEB address ?
Also what's the clearml-server version?
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> using UI from /settings/workspace/Create new credentials
Yes. If I fix only key and secret - the rest parameters works well for clearml-init.
I installed helm chart 7.11.0, as I see api-server image has tag docker.io/allegroai/clearml:1.16.0-494