I think it might be related to the new run overwriting in this location
Our current setup is one clearml agent per GPU on the same machine
We are getting the dataset like this:
clearml_dataset = Dataset.get(
dataset_id=config.get("dataset_id"), alias=config.get("dataset_alias")
dataset_dir = clearml_dataset.get_local_copy()
Trying this:
clearml_dataset = Dataset.get(
dataset_id=config.get("dataset_id"), alias=config.get("dataset_alias")
dataset_dir = clearml_dataset.get_local_copy()
destination_dir = os.path.join("/datasets", os.path.basename(dataset_dir))
shutil.copytree(dataset_dir, destination_dir)
results = model.train(
data=destination_dir + "/data.yaml", epochs=config.get("epochs"), device=0