Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Guys, I Have A Question About Elasticsearch Connection, We Are On Kubernetes Environment (Clearml Is Deployed With Helm Chart), In The Secret We Have This :

Hi guys, I have a question about elasticsearch connection, we are on kubernetes environment (clearml is deployed with helm chart), in the secret we have this :

    elasticsearchConnectionString: '[{"scheme":"http","http_auth":"(elastic,toto)","host":"elasticsearch-es-http","port":9200}]'

And as resut, it returned this exception :

Can't specify the options 'http_auth' via a dictionary in 'hosts', only 'host', 'path_prefix', 'port', 'scheme', 'url_prefix', 'use_ssl' options are allowed

As i don't have any "http_auth" field, we tried to set the host with login/password informations :

    elasticsearchConnectionString: '[{"scheme":"http","host":"elastic,toto@elasticsearch-es-http","port":9200}]'

With no success as it seems not resolved the host (which is written between bracket when clearML tried to connect to elasticsearch)

Is there any workaround as I want to keep login/password behavior on our elasticsearch ?

Posted 12 days ago
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Answers 18

Yes, already tried, it's not implemented as we got this error :

Can't specify the options 'verify_certs' via a dictionary in 'hosts', only 'host', 'path_prefix', 'port', 'scheme', 'url_prefix', 'use_ssl' options are allowed
Posted 7 days ago

@<1752864322440138752:profile|GiddyDragonfly90> - I think you can also add verify_certs: false in the same elasticsearchConnectionString object, have you tried?

Posted 7 days ago

To override args passed to elastic connection string

Posted 7 days ago

              value: >-
              value: >-
              value: >-
Posted 7 days ago

Found it

Posted 7 days ago

As the elasticsearch cluster might be reinstalled, I prefer to not add the CA into bundle certificates of clearml

Posted 8 days ago

i can't see any option on elasticsearchConnectionString which allow me to bypass certificate check

Posted 8 days ago

@<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94> as we use eck operator for our elasticsearch cluster, clearML try to connect to elasticsearch using https, but as it is self signed certificates, it it possible to bypass certificate check ?

Posted 8 days ago

@<1752864322440138752:profile|GiddyDragonfly90> - MongoDB is used as a dependency Helm Chart from the Bitnami repo. We are using version 12.1.31 of the chart. See this tag None

In the clearml override values, under the mongodb section you can specify any value that is usable in the original chart 🙂

Posted 8 days ago

@<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94> last question, is there any extraEnvs for MongoDB ? As credentials are plain text into logs

Posted 8 days ago

Okay I tried, it works with :

      value: "elastic"
      value: "toto"

But we don't need to add the option into elasticsearchConnectionString :

    elasticsearchConnectionString: "[...,"secure":true,...]"

As we get this error :

ValueError: Can't specify the options 'secure' via a dictionary in 'hosts', only 'host', 'path_prefix', 'port', 'scheme', 'url_prefix', 'use_ssl' options are allowed

It works fine, thank you very much 😉

Posted 8 days ago

🙂 let me know if that works for you

Posted 8 days ago

I see, in the example you provided you used a comma , to separate username and password, I suggest trying to use a column :

Posted 8 days ago

I didn't know that I could use CLEARML_ELASTIC_SERVICE_USERNAME / CLEARML_ELASTIC_SERVICE_PASSWORD env variables 🙂 good to know

Posted 8 days ago

Yes, I've already try to pass credentials into host name, but it didn't work

Posted 8 days ago

For this to work you might also have to add "secure": true in the connection string object:

    elasticsearchConnectionString: "[...,"secure":true,...]"
Posted 8 days ago

If that doesn't work, try removing the auth from the connection string and instead define two extraEnvs for the apiserver :

      value: "elastic"
      value: "toto"
Posted 8 days ago

Hi @<1752864322440138752:profile|GiddyDragonfly90> - Can you try with the last value you proposed, but use : to separate user and password in the string, like this:

    elasticsearchConnectionString: '[{"scheme":"http","host":"elastic:toto@elasticsearch-es-http","port":9200}]'
Posted 8 days ago
18 Answers
12 days ago
7 days ago