Active since 10 January 2023
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10 months ago
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979 × Eureka!Hello, I would like to use spot instances together with the AWS autoscaler to train models with pytorch/ignite and I am wondering how to support interruption...
3 years ago
Hi, I would like to report something else weird in the clearml-agent 1.5.1 running in docker mode: In the logs, when it dumps its config, it writes: docker_c...
2 years ago
Hi, I am trying to use the clearml-agent in docker mode to run an experiment, but it seems to fail passing the clearml.conf file to the docker container: Exe...
2 years ago
Hi, is there a way to control after how much time an agent that went down is removed from the web-ui? I find the current value too high for my needs
2 years ago
Hi there, maybe this was already asked but I don't remember: Would it be possible to have the clearml-agent switch between docker mode and virtualenv mode at...
2 years ago
Hi guys, there is a bug introduced with clearml-agent 1.5.0: the resolution of the torch version is broken: it will try to find the torch version matching th...
2 years ago
Hi there! Is there an easy way to retrieve the site-package directory that was created by an agent from inside a task? Eg. task = Task.init(...) task.add_req...
2 years ago
Hi, I recently updated clearml-server to 1.7 and I am getting a lot of the following errors since today on any experiment (I didn't had this error before): 1...
2 years ago
Hey, I moved my trains-server to another machine, zipping the /opt/trains/data folder as described in the docs https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/train...
4 years ago
Hi, one more question: When creating a task with Task.init(), we can specify the task_type . Now when using Task.clone(), we cannot specify the task_type (is...
4 years ago
Hi, how can I get the logs from the pytorch ignite early stopping handler to be logged in clearml?
4 years ago
Hi, Is there a way to stop a clearml-agent from within an experiment? Or block it to prevent it running any other task?
3 years ago
Hi, kudos for the 0.15 guys! I am having an issue related to git auth: I have an issue with trains-agent (0.15): it does not use git creds while trying to cl...
4 years ago
Hi, I have a question regarding the aws-autoscaler: am I understanding correctly that: max_idle_time_min=5 max_spin_up_time_min=10 polling_interval_time_min=...
3 years ago
The Markdown editor for documenting projects is so great, I love it 🤩
3 years ago
Hi, in a subproject, would it be possible to hide the parent project if it is empty?
3 years ago
Hi, how can I search an old experiment based on its commit hash?
one year ago
Hi, is it possible to specify the required version of python for a Task that is different from the python running the clearml-agent? Example: my clearml-agen...
2 years ago
Hi, in the aws autoscaler, is it possible to specify multiple regions (availability_zone)? I currently use eu-west-1a, and would like to start using eu-west-...
3 years ago
Hi, I encounter a weird behavior: I have a task A that schedules a task B. Task B is executed on an agent, but with an old commit 🤔 although the branch is p...
4 years ago
Hi, there is a "bug" introduced in the latest version of clearml-server: when an experiment is in "full screen view", in the console tab, the auto refreshing...
4 years ago
First link in hyperparameter optimization page is broken > https://allegro.ai/docs/examples/examples_hyperparam_opt/
4 years ago
Hi, with clearml-agent 1.5.1, I tried to run an experiment within a docker with image python3:8 and it failed executing the task while trying to call python3...
2 years ago
Hi, I would like to bring awareness on this issue , this impacts my work as I cannot install the older version of torch (1.11.0)
one year ago
⚠️ Hi there, I recently updated clearml server to 1.7.0, and found the following critical regression: When I reset an experiment, it is actually deleted 😵 ,...
2 years ago
Hi, I am trying to update the aws_autoscaler to the latest version on the master branch. I simply changed the commit id in the experiment and run it, this ga...
3 years ago
Hello there! I have a question regarding the Web UI, on the project page: I have the following use case: I need to add two custom columns, each reporting one...
3 years ago
Another strange behavior of the python SDK CLI: after executing python my_task.py, where my_task.py creates and send to the queue an experiment, the command ...
4 years ago
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